by Lara
When Jane shared this photo of us country bumpkins in the big city, it brought back a memory of Dad springing into action on the London Underground! I’m pretty sure it was a previous trip we took with the Lynches, back when we were several years younger.
We’d all gotten off the tube at our stop and onto the platform when we heard Keaton calling out behind us – he hadn’t made it off in time and the doors were closing! Whilst everyone else stood there in a collective gasp of “oh no,” it was Dad that leapt into action. He rushed to the doors trying to pry them open and get Keaton out! When that failed, he had enough forethought to shout at Keaton to get off at the next stop and wait on the platform for him.
Dad then hopped on the next tube and dashed to the rescue of a bewildered country boy stranded alone in the chaos of the Underground, teehee.
Aww, our dad, the hero!